Puzzle Set Resource

Status: Implemented | 2022


These puzzle sets define a set of puzzles for GNOME Crosswords. Each puzzle set is stored in a single GResource file, named $ID.gresource, where $ID is a unique id for the puzzle set.

GResource file structure

The resource MUST have the following structure:


The $ID of the file is a string that identifies the game. It must be suitable for being used as a prefix for g_resource directories/filenames. You cannot have a / character embedded within it.

All resources below are relative to this path. Any resources outside of this directory path are ignored.

The file puzzle.config is required and defined below. Other files can be stored within the resource and can have arbitrary names. They must be stored in the same directory as the config file, though.


The puzzle.config is a Key File and is loaded first. It contains all the information to define the puzzle set. It must contain the [Puzzle Set] header that defines the overall parameters of the puzzle set. It contains information used by the reource, as well as any UI elements internally (such as the Picker or Play widgets).

Additional sections are described below:

[Puzzle Set]

This section is required, and the same for every resource PuzzleSet.


ShortName=Short description
LongName=A longer description of the game
Picker=<picker type>

The ID is the same as the directory it’s in, and MUST match the location of this file. It must also be globally unique. We don’t have a registry for these yet, but will look into having one in the future if we run into collisions.

NOTE: Any id that’s prefixed with "devel-" will only be shown in a development build of Crosswords. This is used for testing puzzle, and shouldn’t be expected to work with any shipping game.

The short and long names are used to display the puzzles to the user. It is similar to what’s seen in a desktop file, and is displayed in the initial file.

The Picker type is the type of Puzzle engine that we load. Currently, picker can be list and grid only lock-and-image and riddle are supported, but more are planned.

The Locale is a fully-qualified locale for the puzzles within the Puzzle Set. It is used to provide information about the puzzle set and let the user filter out puzzles they don’t understand. Note that we only support UTF-8 .ipuz files, so we don’t honor the codeset attribute. Similarly, we ignore any modifiers.

If the puzzle set should be included in all languages, then you should choose the "C" locale. In that instance, it’s recommended that the desktop file be translated.

Disabled indicates whether to display the puzzle set in the game. This is useful for developing new puzzle-sets

[Picker Grid]

This section sets up the puzzle for grid-type games. It is only relevant when Picker=grid


Header=Header text
HeaderFace=font to display the header in


  • Header and Locked are required

  • GridStyle can be “open”, “lock-and-image”, or “riddle”

  • Width and Height are required and determine the shape of the grid. No more than Width × Height puzzle will be loaded

[Picker List]

This section sets up the puzzle for lists of games. It is only relevant when Picker=list


Header=Header text
SubHeader=Sub Header text
HeaderFace=font to display the header in
SubHeaderFace=font to display the sub header in


  • Header is required

  • If UseButton is True, then a separate [Picker Button] section is loaded to set up the button and its action. This section must exist.

[Picker Button]

This section configures the button and its action. Currently, we support two types of actions for each button. The first is a simple URI dialog for loading files and copying them to the puzzle-set directory. The second calls a script with appropriate arguments.


Label=Label text


  • Type can have two values: file or downloader.

    • file: Brings up a file chooser dialog. It’s not expected that other sections will use this, as it’s redundant to the default one. It may be useful, though.

    • downloader: Runs a separate downloader command in order to download the puzzle. There must be a separate Downloader section.


This section configures both how the downloader behaves, and optionally if there’s a dialog displayed for user input. It can be used to customize the dialog.

NOTE: More information about the specifics of the downloader can be found in puzzle-downloader.md


PrimaryText=Dialog primary label text
SecondaryText=Dialog secondary label text (optional)
LinkUri=URI (optional)
LinkText=Anchor text for link (optional)
DefaultValue=$DOMAIN|$DATE|$NUMBER (optional)
LowerValue=$DATE|$NUMBER (optional)
TimeZone=$TZ (optional)
ConvertPuzToIpuz=true, if the downloader exports the a .puz file instead of an .ipuz file (optional)


  • Type is required and can support five values, auto, date, uri, number, and entry:

    • auto: No user input is requested and the downloader command is run immediately

    • date: A dialog is shown with a date selector. The date will be passed to the downloader.

    • uri: A dialog is shown with a uri selector. The uri will be validated and passed to the downloader

    • number: A dialog is shown with a number selector. The number will be used to pass into the downloader.

    • entry: A dialog is shown with an entry for open text. The string will be passed to the downloader with no validation done

  • Command required. See puzzle-downloader.md for more information on it

Loading Puzzles

Puzzles can be stored within the resource. When they are stored there, they are read-only and cannot be deleted by the user.


There are Puzzle sections that define individual puzzles for the game. They must be sequential starting at Puzzle1, and the PuzzleName must be found within the resource. Where appropriate, thumbnails can be included as well. They must list .ipuz files, as .puz files are not supported in puzzle sets.

This is supported for both list and grid Pickers.

